

Elastic Nuts

Elastic nuts help alleviate stress concentrations and increase the fatigue resistance of bolts.

Their reactive design distributes the bolt load along multiple threads, it adds elasticity and prevents stress concentrations in the initial threads. Elastic nuts are reactive and should be used opposite our tensioners; they should never be tightened directly to achieve preload.
  • It allows for even load distribution on the bolt/stud threads under load.
  • It adds elasticity to the joint.
  • It increases the fatigue resistance of the bolt/stud.

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SKU CODEType: elastic nutAvailable sizesApproximate Bolt Tension Based on SizeTemperature Range
AD-SX8Standard elastic nutM20 - M160 (3/4″ - 6″)450 to 700 N/mm² (60 to 100 ksi)-10 to 250 ºC (0 to 500 ºF)
AD-SX12High strength elastic nutM20 - M160 (3/4″ - 6″)500 to 900 N/mm² (70 to 130 ksi)-10 to 250 ºC (0 to 500 ºF)

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