

The flattest and most adjustable hydraulic wrench in the industry.

The world’s most challenging bolting jobs require a fast hydraulic torque wrench.

  • Repeatability: 100%.
  • Patented monobody composite wrench.
  • It operates in both clockwise and counterclockwise directions.
  • Designed to operate without a reaction arm and in simultaneous operations.
  • Independent steel (not aluminum) quick-change safety couplings (threaded) with 360-degree x 360-degree rotation.
  • It can work without nut runners and does not cause torsion to the stud or bolt.
  • Direction change simply by flipping the wrench.
  • Balanced thrust piston.
  • Anti-lock mechanism for operator safety.
  • Constructed from T-7075 A.Q. aluminum.
  • The wrench consists of only three main internal components, increasing durability and reducing maintenance frequency.
  • Safety factor: 5:1.
  • Includes Calibration Certificate.

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SKU CODEAccuracyN·mft lbsControlDuty cycle
16-PTX1±3%61-75945-560Hex 1/2” (13 mm) up to 1-5/8” (50 mm)100%
16-PTX2±3%260-2614192-1928Hex 3/4” (19 mm) up to 2-9/16” (65 mm)100%
16-PTX4±3%535-5355395-3950Hex 1” (25 mm) up to 3-1/8” (80 mm)100%
16-PTX8±3%1125-11699830-8630Hex 1-7/8” (49 mm) up to 4-5/8” (120 mm)100%
16-PTX16±3%2115-225031560-16600Hex 2-3/16” (55 mm) up to 5-5/16” (135 mm)100%
16-PTX32±3%4365-483273220-35650Hex 3-1/8” up to 7-7/8”100%
16-PTX45±3%6575-642284850-47380Hex 3-1/8” up to 7-7/8”100%

Hydraulic Wrenches






Construction, Mining, Petrochemical

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